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Agricultural Trail (San Pasqual Valley)


Meet 9am at the staging area

Take 78 east to end and continue on Lincoln

Turn right onto Ash, still on 78 which then changes name

To San Pasqual Valley Rd.

Pass Safari Park and the Archaeological Center, both on the left


Continue on main road (78) to Bandy Canyon Rd. 

Turn right and follow it around until it meets Ysabel Creek Rd.

Park in corner lot staging area.


NOTE: Before Bandy Canyon Rd., you will pass by Ysabel Creek Rd.

            But it may have deep ruts and be in poor condition

            or if passable and you can park in staging area at

            the corner lot by Bandy Canyon Rd.


We hope to see orioles, cactus wren, Roadrunner, California Quail

among other birds.


After birding here, we will meet at the Archaeological Center. 

There is plenty of parking in front.

Numerous hummingbird feeders are set up and we will also look for

orioles, cedar waxwings, bluebirds, etc.

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