Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Prior to the general meeting, the board met to approve the expenditure for this luncheon in the amount of $270.
The general meeting was called to order at 12:10 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He related that on our 13 bird walks in 2018 members identified an average of 37 species per walk. Bill recommended Buddy Todd Park in Oceanside, named after the first Oceanside resident to die in World War II, as a good birding place that members had recently enjoyed. Bill then introduced Andy and Dora Truban, who had founded the club and served as main officers for 15 years. Thanks for 15 great years! Bill regretted that the presentation scheduled for today, Birds of the U.K., had to be postponed due to technical difficulties. It will be shown at an upcoming meeting.
Bill pointed out 15 numbered avian silhouettes affixed to the wall. Each place setting had the list of names with boxes for members to test their knowledge by writing in their numbered silhouette choices. Next he pointed out the raffle prize for today, a lovely bird painting. It was a gift from Martha Saltzman’s sister who visited last summer. The painting, Bill noted, was the result of a new cutting-edge photographic process. Bill then summoned Carolyn Hollander for a report on the OHCC Bluebird Rescue Program.
Carolyn presented statistics from the central compiler, the California Bluebird Rescue Program, which includes all of California and a handful of areas in Nevada. The OHCC program is the only group in San Diego County included in these totals. In 2018, from the 205 trail groups reporting, there were 4,776 successful fledgings during the first fledging period which begins in March, and 6,678 for the entire year. The OHCC program has produced 302 Bluebird fledgings in its 10 years.
Bill thanked Callie Dean for coordinating today’s luncheon, and her crew of helpers; Martha Saltzman, Ann Mulvey, Sandy Harvey, Lynn and Tim Pentel. He introduced the 2018 Board: Bill Saltzman, President; Skip Harvey, Vice-President; Callie Dean, Treasurer; Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian. Bill presented to Skip Harvey a card signed by all present in thanks for his three years serving as Vice President. Skip is not returning as VP.
Skip then took the floor to conduct the election of the 2019 board. Jane Johnson and Ann Mulvey have agreed to run for election as Co-Vice Presidents for 2019. All other officers are running for reelection, Bill as President, Callie as Treasurer, and Tim as Secretary/Historian. Skip asked if there were any nominations from the floor. There being none, Skip presented each candidate in turn to the assemblage for a vote by show of hands and each was unanimously approved. Skip encouraged others to volunteer to serve on the board in coming years when current board members might be ready to retire.
Next, Bill announced the correct silhouette numbers from the wall to go with each bird name on the list provided on the tables. The meeting adjourned at 12:26 P.M, followed by the tasty luncheon and the raffle prize was won by Carolyn Hollander.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian