Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He announced that he would stay on as president for 2019. Ann Mulvey and Jane Johnson have volunteered to be co-vice presidents. Bill thanked Skip Harvey for his many years of service in that post. Staying on for 2019 are Callie Dean as treasurer and Tim Pentel as secretary.
Bill announced that the October 17 meeting/luncheon in the Mykonos Room would consist of pizza and desserts. Further he added that the club’s good financial position enables the club to subsidize the function. All members are welcome, no admission charge. Callie is arranging the food for the party. She presented her treasurer’s report showing a balance of $1,127.57 and an income and expenses report for the year. Both are attached and made part of these minutes by reference.
Next, Bill thanked Jerry and Carolyn Hollander for their work managing the bluebird recovery program. Carolyn addressed the group. She told us to watch for the September Village Voice. It will feature a photograph by Bill Saltzman of two male bluebirds near box #4 on the golf course, and another photo, by Thu Bellomo, of the 2018 bluebird monitoring team. The photos will accompany an article authored by Russ Butcher. For 2018, she announced, 68 bluebirds had successfully fledged from the program’s boxes on OHCC’s golf course. The 2018 mating season started early, March 18. One early pair moved in, then disappeared for some days, but returned and the first egg was observed on April 1. The only problem this season was the termite infestation in one box necessitating its replacement and then the replacement had problems with the attachments to hang the box from the tree. So that station is still in turmoil and jeopardy. Also, many pine trees had their lower limbs removed completely by tree trimmers. It is not known what, if anything, of interest to the bluebird recovery program was in those lost limbs. Since inception in 2009, 10 years now, the program has seen 392 successful bluebird fledglings. It is important because bluebird habitats are under siege. OHCC program volunteers do their monitoring 2 or 3 times a week, devoting a number of hours to the task. They develop personal relationships with the bluebirds. Carolyn thanked her partner Jerry Hollander, who could not be at today’s meeting, and their monitoring team: Sandy Harvey, Jane Shriver, Judy Ware, Callie Dean, Claire Knodell, and new volunteer monitors Anna and Slava Grinshpun.
Bill is requesting volunteers for 2019 meetings refreshment coordinator. He mentioned that 11 members would be going birding September 23 and 24, spending the night in Julian.
The assemblage then viewed a most interesting video about the Harpy Eagle, the largest raptor in the rain forests from Mexico to Argentina. After a drawing for door prizes, the meeting adjourned at 2:15 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary, Historian