Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Birdwatchers board meeting 01/16/2020
Ann Baldwin, president
Jane Johnson, vice president
Tim Pentel, treasurer
Joyce Baker, secretary
Discussion as follows:
Normal meetings schedule: JAN, MAR, MAY, AUG and OCT on the 4th Tuesday. Doors open at 12:30 and meetings run from 1- 2 with room to be vacated by 2:30.
2020 meetings are: Jan 28, Mar 24, May 26, Aug 25, Oct 27.
Send out bird walk notices and reminders with maps
Hand out printed maps at meet up
Bring blank waiver forms to walk
Book meeting rooms
Organize AV for room
Send out report with photos post walk
Run club meetings
Prepare the OHCC Living article. Due by the 6th of the month for the following issue
Assist Joan Comito with overnight trips
Stand in for president as needed
Liaise with snack person (tbd) for meetings (snacks are reimbursable)
Collect, disburse and account for the money
Maintain membership records
Send out updated list
Take notes of board meetings
Send out report of the club meeting to members (see Joe’s morning walk blog as an example format)
Collect waiver signatures at walks and file form in binder
Tim volunteered to work with the website to correct errors
Joyce volunteered to review website
Based on above, we can explore a different platform if current website is “broken and not fixable” or is too difficult to maintain
Ann volunteered to investigate creating official name tags (ref Parkinson’s group)
Meanwhile, Jane volunteered to bring labels to walks
Joan Comito, a former board member, organizes all the walks.
Submitted by Joyce Baker, secretary/historian