Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

MARCH 2017
Lots of Bluebirds on the golf course, plus House Sparrows, Black Phoebes and Yellow-Rumped Warblers.
Back Nine Report from Betty Klaas:
Box Box #2 has a completed Bluebird nest but no eggs yet. Both parents are close by.
Back Nine Report from Callie Dean and Sandy Harvey:
Box #1: Still Empty. Box 1 is very hard to open. Jerry and Carolyn Hollander will once again repair the box this afternoon when they go out with Jane Shriver.
Box #3: A few sparrow twigs were removed on both March 31 and April 1
Box #8: Nicely formed nest about 1/3 built
Box #9: Empty
Box #11: On March 31 a Sparrow's nest was removed. On April 1 a Bluebird's nest was started, about 2 inches high.
Box #14: A fully formed nest with 4 grey-blue feathers. No eggs yet.
NOTE: Pine trees on the golf course are being pruned.
Front Nine Report from Bill and Martha Saltzman:
Box #4: On March 31 there were a few pieces of pine needles (very little) but that tree had 3 male Bluebirds and a female in it. Some Bluebirds were standing on the box as they watched it. But on April 2 there was one piece of old dead grass in the box since the last time. The grass was removed. No Bluebirds were in the tree this time.
Box #5: A completed nest this time. No eggs yet.
Box #6: New nest started 1/3 completed. Male and female in the next tree.
Box #7: Empty and no activity.
Box #10: Nest started with only a few pine needles.
Box #12: Empty and no activity.