Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The general meeting in the Mykonos Room was called to order at 12:57 P.M by club President William Saltzman. Bill first thanked Ann Mulvey for coordinating and organizing today’s special visit by Ernie Cowan. Then he announced that Sandy and Skip Harvey have a 50th anniversary in a few days. Bill introduced the Board, Callie Dean, Treasurer (not present), Co-Vice Presidents Ann Mulvey and Jane Johnson, Tim Pentel, Secretary. Callie was unable to attend, but Bill delivered the short-form treasurer’s report, current balance being $1,136.00. Bill then delivered the sad news that club founder and long time president Andy Truban had moved to a memory care facility. Our thoughts and best wishes are with Andy and his wife Dora. Bill then invited Carolyn Hollander to report on this year’s preliminary results of the OHCC Blue Bird Recovery Program.
Carolyn reported that there are 14 boxes on the golf course, 7 each on the front and back nine. Carolyn and Jerry Hollander have been coordinating the program for four years after taking it over from founder Andy Truban. They teach new monitors the ropes at the beginning of the first of two nesting periods in the year, which starts typically in early March. The second period runs into mid to late August. She related that once a couple bonds, picks a home, mates and build the nest, the egg laying begins and can last 7 days, with one egg laid per day. Then incubation begins and all eggs hatch the same day. The entire process from the beginning of the egg laying until all hatchlings fledge (leave the nest) is 41 days. After that, the box is cleaned out, unhatched eggs removed, and the box is ready for further homesteading. Sometimes the whole process is repeated by a different couple in the same box for the second nesting period. The OHCC program has produced 394 fledgings in all. There were 68 in 2018 and 35 so far in the first nesting period of 2019. Carolyn closed by inviting people to become monitors. They are two short this year. Thorough training is provided and an enriching experience is guaranteed.
The assemblage was then treated to a slide show by Ernie Cowan, noted outdoors and nature lover and acclaimed journalist and photo journalist as well. His column appears weekly in the San Diego Union Tribune. Not only did he show us magnificent photos, all his own, of birds of the myriad Southwest habitats, coastal areas, deserts, mountains, etc., but he also entertained us with his wit and his warmth. It was an enthralling presentation. Thanks so much, Ernie.
A drawing was then held, the winner to receive a copy of Ernie’s latest photo book. The winner, appropriately, was Carolyn Hollander.
The meeting adjourned at 2:05 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian