Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

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We have 5 meetings a year in the ladies club room on the fourth Tuesday of the designated dates. Meetings start at 1:00pm in the Ladies Club Room with light refreshments and socializing beginning at 12:30. Our programs encompass an array of bird-related videos and speakers that often bring live birds for their presentations.

Ladies Club Room, 1:00 pm
Light Refreshments begin at 12:30pm
Video Presentation: Bring On The Birds
Marvel at the excellent close-up views of birds in action—catching food, flying, and demonstrating their voices. In an amusing manner, the narrator describes identifying characteristics and behaviors of birds that we will see on the bird walks throughout the year; winter water residents and hawks to hummers. A great way to start the year for novice and seasoned bird watchers.
Jewels of Nature: Hummingbirds, Guest Speaker
We are privileged to have Monique Rea from Orange County for our presenter. Monique will share her experiences with hummingbirds, give tips to make the garden a haven, and tell what to do when you find a lost or injured hummingbird. Monique has worked 20 years with a nonprofit organization dedicated to rescuing, rehabilitating, and releasing lost and orphaned hummingbirds in South Orange County. She is also an artist and author. Come and meet Monique.
BATS: Presented by Project Wildlife (Tentative)
Video Presentation: The Nest, from the Nature Series
This is one of the most fascinating films regarding nest building. Close-up photography will guide you to the materials, locations, and aesthetics of nests as well as the intriguing behaviors and social interactions that take place in, and around bird nests. Watch the Osprey build a nest from scratch, follow the building of a clay nest by the Red ovenbird with a ‘backroom” for the eggs. Observe Australian brush turkeys make a huge brush pile for the nest. Find out how the cowbird doesn’t always get its way and much more.
OCTOBER 24, TUESDAY, 12:00 pm, Mykonos Room
Last meeting and party
If you are interested in 2016's meetings
just scroll down...
Ladies Club Room
January 26, Tuesday 1:00pm (light refreshments at 12:30)
We will have a wonderful presentation, “Watching British Birds” by Ann Baldwin, a relatively new club member. In 2009 Ann has taken a great interest in videotaping birds in England and would like to share those videos with us. Ann is also a professional artist of mixed media paintings. Her work has won numerous awards and her work was shown in exhibitions across the US. She eventually began incorporating photography into her work, focusing on nature and wildlife that led Ann to an interest in videography.
March 22, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments at 12:30)
Project Wildlife will visit us with, Winkie, a Kingbird Ambassador.Will it be a Western or Cassin’s? What is the difference? Learn about Kingbird habits and lifestyle. Project Wildlife is one of the largest rehabilitation organizations in the country. They have helped 8,000-10,000 birds and mammals each year. Bring your questions about Winkie.
May 24, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments at 12:30pm)
“Bird watching while not on a birding trip in Costa Rica” will be the topic of one of our long- time members, Joan Comito. Journey with Joan around Costa Rica from east coast to west coast. See the variety in shape and color of the birds seen from hotels, riverboats and various places on the tour. Find out what are a Potoo, Buff- throated Saltitor, and an Olive-backed Euphonia.
AUGUST 23, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments 12:30pm)
We are delighted to have Chris Mayne show his amazing bird photos capturing some of the most dramatic moments in a bird’s life. Chris is an avid avian photographer whose photos are able to transport the viewer directly to that special moment almost as if one was present at the scene. Chris has been honored by National Geographic, Audubon, and SD National History Museum. Our lagoons and wetlands in San Diego County are Chris’s favorite places for photographing birds. Come and meet Chris.
OCTOBER 25, Tuesday, 12:00pm, Mykonos Room
Party and last meeting for the year
If you are interested in 2015's meetings
just scroll down...
January 27, Tuesday, 1:00pm (refreshments 12:30)
Welcome new and returning members! Compare notes with one another about your birding experiences, share what best to feed birds, types of feeders, best guide book. Discuss what binoculars would be best for birding. Ask questions about upcoming bird walks and find out how our Bluebird program is going and how you can become part of it.
There will be a bit of entertainment to help celebrate the new year of birding and Andy’s reign of 15 years as the Club President.
March 24, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments 12:30)
Video: Flight-The Design of Life
See marvelous photography of a bird’s embryonic development inside the
egg where the body systems develop for a basic purpose of birds: flight.
The masters of flight are the hummingbirds! Be fascinated by the photography of their wing motion and skeletal adaptions for aerial acrobatics.
There is more! Be utterly astounded by the ballet flight of the European Starlings in England. Find out why 300,000 starlings exhibit these murmurations while no two birds crash into one another. Truly a video not to be missed.
May 26, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments 12:30pm)
SoCal Parrot organization will provide a video/slide presentation of the various types of parrots flying around Southern California. They will bring a parrot or two as ambassadors. This program will be an eye opener to many of us who didn’t know of the variety of parrots near us. Also learn about the decline of parrot species worldwide.
SoCal Parrot is the only nonprofit organization in Southern California that rescues and rehabilitates injured and orphaned naturalized wild parrots for release back into their urban environment.
AUGUST 25, Tuesday, 1:00pm (light refreshments 12:30pm)
Project Wildlife will bring, Pepper, an Acorn woodpecker Ambassador for a visit. Here is a chance to see this species up close and personal! Learn what makes Pepper adapted to its way of life.
Project Wildlife recently merged with and became a program of the San Diego Humane Society and SPCA. Their efforts and donated dollars will be shared for one mission—giving wildlife a second chance and educating the pubic on coexisting with wildlife. Project Wildlife is one of the largest rehabilitation organizations in the country. Their medical staff and volunteers help 8,000 -10,000 birds and mammals each year and have cared for more than 320 species to-date.
OCTOBER 27, Tuesday, 12:30pm, Mykonos Room
Last meeting for the end of year party and vote in new officers.