Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The general meeting took place during the club’s annual party in the Mykonos Room on October 22, 2019. Our thanks to co VP’s Ann Mulvey and Jane Johnson for organizing the affair and securing pizzas from Grand Slam Pizza nearby, and to all the members who contributed side dishes. It was a tasty affair. And thanks to William Saltzman for the stimulating bird profile ID challenge, a prologue to the meeting.
President William Saltzman called the meeting to order at 1:00 before the well fed assemblage. First Bill thanked Ann Mulvey and Jane Johnson for today’s affair, then everyone for their help in his 3 years as president. He thanked the outgoing 2018 Board; co VP’s Ann Mulvey and Jane Johnson, Treasurer Callie Dean, Secretary/Historian Tim Pentel. (He omitted the outgoing president but we thank him greatly.) Callie delivered her last Treasurer’s Report, the cash balance stood at $1,080.97, well under budget. Then, pursuant to the election at the September 24, 2019 meeting, Bill thanked the incoming board for 2020; President Ann Baldwin, VP Jane Johnson, Treasurer Dick Cook, and Secretary/Historian Tim Pentel. Special thanks went to Joan Comito for her key assistance and overall knowledge, and to Carolyn and Jerry Hollander for their 5 years leading the OHCC Bluebird Recovery Program. Bill gave the floor to Carolyn for a program update.
Carolyn directed attendees to the recent article in the OHCC Village Voice for complete information about the program. She presented statistics for 2019. The OHCC program resulted in 82 fledgings, a yearly record for the program, with more still to come this year, for an 11 year total of 454 since inception. She thanked the year 2019 monitors; William Saltzman, Mike Michaelson, Anna Grinshpun, and Jane Shriver. Mike and Anna were given a graduation rite for finishing their first year. Carolyn again lauded the program for what the monitors get from it and the unique relationships they develop with their beneficiary bluebirds. Finally she thanked Jane Shriver for volunteering to take over the program. We members thank you too, Jane. Jane addressed the crowd briefly, encouraging members to volunteer as monitors, and passing around a signup sheet for those interested.
Bill again thanked everyone for their active participation and encouraged more to come on the bird walks. He thanked Ann Baldwin for stepping up to become president. Ann thanked all those who voted for her and added that her Birdwatcher activity dovetails nicely with another of her interests and skills, photography.
The meeting adjourned at 1:13 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian