Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 12:55 P.M by club president Ann Baldwin. First order of business was to approve the 2020 Board, which, due to illness, was reconstituted from that approved in October 2019. By unanimous show of hands the members approved the 2020 Board of President Ann Baldwin, Vice President Jane Johnson, Treasurer Tim Pentel, and Secretary/Historian Joyce Baker. This was proposed and approved by the 2019 Board in an action without meeting, by way of an emergency motion proposed by William Saltzman on December 7, 2020 and approved by email by all board members, details viewable on the Birdwatchers website.
Ann then read a statement from Jane Shriver, new coordinator of the OHCC Bluebird Recovery program, as Jane was unable to attend. The statement outlined the history and need for the California Bluebird Recovery Program and the OHCC Bluebird Recovery Program, describing how the program works, the activities humans have undertaken to buoy falling bluebird populations, and the process of discreetly and carefully monitoring the birds, collecting data to contribute to the overall program. The experience has proven enriching for the humans as well as the birds, and members were encouraged to add their names to the signup sheet to become monitors. Monitor training begins in March. Carolyn Hollander, former co-coordinator of the program, then told that Jane and she had walked the golf course, performing cleanup, maintenance, repairs, and sometimes replacement (thanks to the Woodchucks) of the bluebird boxes on the course. She observed several pairs of prospective bluebird parents apparently house hunting. They were close to the box, then repaired to a safer location nearby when she came near to the box, then flew back to or near the box when she moved away. She speculated that they had already selected their home.
Ann then asked if there were any new members present and a number of people raised hands. Welcome to you all. She then told that she had gone birding that morning at nearby Calavera Lake and saw a tree swallow. Late January is the earliest they appear in Southern California so this one is a leader. She announced our next bird walk on Thursday January 30 to Dixon Lake near Escondido. She asked how many planned to make the walk and it seems we will have a good crowd.
She mentioned that the Audubon Society advises against using phones or any devices to broadcast bird calls while birding, as they feel it could upset the birds or perhaps be perceived as a threat. She also referenced the phrase “Real birders don’t wear white.” as some apparently feel the brightness could startle or upset the birds. These come under the umbra of birding etiquette, which basically dictates maintaining a “low profile” while birding, not standing out, making loud noises using loud voices, or doing anything sudden or out of the ordinary which could interfere with anyone else birding.
Ann then presented on the TV a presentation of birds in Ocean Hills, featuring her own photography and videography. She added that many of the photos she showed were taken from inside her home through the glass of the door to her yard. The assemblage was entertained and the beautiful birds were the stars of the show.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 P.M.
Tim Pentel
for Joyce Baker, Secretary/Historian