Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 12:59 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He thanked all in attendance and invited any newcomers to introduce themselves and a goodly number did so. Bill told that he and his wife were not birders before joining the club but that they had learned a lot and gotten hooked on birding. His interest in photography dovetailed into great enjoyment at watching, and especially photographing, birds. He has learned so much from Joan Comito and Russ Butcher, two especially knowledgeable club members. He also recognized club founder and long-time president Andy Truban and his wife Dora for their many years of leadership. Bill reminded everyone to get the 2018 schedule. The club plans 11 bird walks, 2 overnighters, and impromptu walks as bird migrations warrant.
Bill explained that birders use three tools for finding and identifying birds: binoculars, a field guide book, and a spotting scope. Thanks to the Community Services Committee and the Master Board of OHCC, and due to the dilligent work of several club members, OHCC has purchased a spotting scope which is one of the best money can buy and Bill showed it to the assemblage. It is available to all the OHCC community and the Birdwatchers will surely enjoy better birding with it.
Bill then introduced the Board of Directors of the club: Vice President Skip Harvey, Treasurer Callie Dean, Secretary Tim Pentel, and of course President William Saltzman. He directed attendees’ attention to a table at the side of the hall with various informative pamphlets and several bird feeders that members were giving away. Callie Dean then gave the Treasurer’s report, the cash balance as of yesterday being $1,332.47. She reported that there were 58 members as of Do Dues Day, with 6 more joining since, for a total count of 64 as of today. Bill then called on Carolyn Hollander for a Blue Bird Program update.
Carolyn reported 18 new fledglings from the 14 boxes around the golf course. OHCC’s Blue Bird Recovery Program began on May 8, 2009 by club founder Andy Truban. She reminded us of the need for the program, that human development has eliminated many of the trees that blue birds favor for their nests. 2017 was the best year yet for the OHCC program, with 69 fledglings, bringing the program’s total since inception in 2009 to 324 fledglings. The total result for all the programs in California was 6,887 fledglings in 2017. She thanked the Golf Course Committee for their cooperation and extended a special thanks to the Woodchucks for making the boxes for the blue birds’ nests. She encouraged interested parties to sign up to be monitors. Now is the time. Monitoring season runs from March to July or August depending on weather and monitors need to undergo training to ensure the best possible blue bird experience for the guests. Patti Rice added that being a monitor was the best way to learn about birds from beginning to end. Bill thanked Carolyn for the report and invited Vice President Skip Harvey to talk about the overnighters.
Skip told that we had one 2017 overnighter to Palm Springs, Big Morongo, and White Water and it was so enjoyable that two are planned for 2018, to Idyllwild June 4-6 and to Julian October 8-10. Both are in the mountains with lots of trees and birds. He passed around an interest sheet for each of the overnighters and also asked for volunteers to help with the logistics.
Bill reminded all that bird walks start early because birds are active early in the day. We gather at the overflow parking at 7:45 for carpooling and departure at 8:00. New members are encouraged to come on the bird walks and there are some extra binoculars available for those who don’t have any. He then turned the proceedings over to Mike and Ann Baldwin for a most entertaining slide show on back yard birding, featuring Ann narrating about the marvelous photos she took right in her very own yard.
The meeting ended with a raffle of bird-related items and was adjourned at 2:12 P.M.
Tim Pentel
Secretary, Historian