Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The general meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He introduced the Board members and thanked them for their service. He thanked all who assisted on Do Dues Day and announced the membership number as 66. He invited any new members in attendance to introduce themselves and several did so. He told that the next scheduled bird walk is February 12 to Lake Wohlford. The next scheduled meeting is March 26 at which members will enjoy a video about natural wild flyers, avian and other types. He thanked Callie Dean and her crew for providing today’s refreshments.
Bill spoke of the goal of the club, that it’s not hiking, but to observe bird behavior and sounds in the wild, to appreciate these creatures for what they do and for their part in the balance of nature. He and Martha have been involved with the club for three years and have learned a lot. He specifically thanked Joan Comito and (in absentia) Russ Butcher for their expertise.
Next, Bill invited the assemblage to honor members with recent or upcoming birthdays, with a special citation for Elaine Kowalik who is celebrating a milestone (unspecified) birthday, whereupon all joined in a hearty rendition of Happy Birthday.
Callie Dean delivered the Treasurer’s report. The club ended 2018 with $644.77 in the bank and with 2019 renewals and new signups the balance now stands at $1,304.77. She invited volunteers to sign up to help with snacks at future meetings and a signup sheet was circulated. Bill pointed out another signup circulating for the overnight trip to Big Morongo in the spring which Joan Comito had organized. He thanked Joan for doing this. Bill then summoned Carolyn Hollander for a report on the OHCC Bluebird Rescue Program.
Carolyn outlined the program for the benefit of the new members. There are 14 bluebird boxes on the golf course. She and hubby Jerry have coordinated the monitoring of the boxes for 10 years. The program was started by Andy and Dora Truban on March 8, 2009. Some of the boxes are in the “shop” for repairs or replacement and she thanked member Dick Cook and the Woodchucks Club for the repairs and building replacements. The need for the program, she explained, arises from the destruction of bluebird habitat, mainly trees, as a result of human sprawl. The data from the OHCC program is reported in August to a central nationwide databank. The OHCC program is the only program in San Diego county reporting to the databank. In California, for 2018, a total of 19,731 bluebird fledgings were reported. The OHCC Bluebird Recovery Program has reported a total of 392 successful fledgings in 10 years, the maximum being 69 in 2017 with the 2018 total of 68 just behind. Carolyn said she and Jerry were so pleased to participate in staving off the disappearance of this wonderful bird. They take great pleasure in observing the birds select nesting sites in the boxes, build nests, mate, lay eggs and tend to them, feed the hatchlings with worms set out by the monitors. Monitors form attachments with the birds, mourning hatchlings who don’t make it, and even missing the successes after they’re gone, the ones that fly away. The monitoring season runs from March to August. She encouraged new and old members alike to become bluebird monitors. A commitment is required, but there are a number of substitute monitors available so that nobody need feel there is no backup and might hesitate because of that. She and Jerry provide thorough training which will begin in mid-late February. She asked any interested to see her after the meeting.
Bill followed up on Carolyn’s presentation, relating how he and Martha had enjoyed and learned so much from being monitors and encouraging others to follow suit. Ann Mulvey seconded that sentiment, telling how she and Jim had so enjoyed their year of monitoring.
Ann Baldwin, with hubby Mike operating the video controls, then presented a most interesting photo comparison of the birds of California and the birds of the U.K., using her own photos. She is an exceptional photographer. Ann and Mike are from the U.K. and spend part of the year there.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:10 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian
In addition to the meeting minutes of January 29, 2019 above - the OHCC Birdwatchers board of directors voted unanimous approval of the 2019 club budget as of February 2, 2019.