Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M by club President William Saltzman. First he introduced the 2018 Board of Directors and then he inquired if anyone present had a birthday in May or June, whereupon the assemblage sang “Happy Birthday” to those who raised hands. After asking if there were any new members present and seeing that there were none, Bill thanked Patti Rice for the refreshments for today then reminded all to sign up for today’s raffle. He solicited volunteers for refreshments for the August meeting and Patti said she already had volunteers for that and for the October holiday luncheon/meeting. He announced a date change for the lunch, now reslated from October 23 to October 17, due to a conflict with a Walkers Hikers overnighter to Cambria which many members have signed up for.
Bill pointed out the nomination sheets on the chairs for 2019 officers. He and Vice President Skip Harvey are stepping aside. Jane Shriver has volunteered to run for the Secretary position and Callie Dean has decided to remain as Treasurer. Both received a group thank you. Bill urged members to step up and volunteer. Then Skip reinforced that request, pointing out to members that the club is volunteer driven. The jobs are not difficult but do need people in place in President and Vice President positions, lest the club fall by the wayside. There are plenty of past officers in the club to lend needed assistance but that matters not if no one volunteers. So volunteer, Skip urged. At this point Bill cited for special thanks club founders Andy and Dora Truban who led the way for 15 years.
Bill then summoned Carolyn Hollander for an update the the OHCC Bluebird Rescue Program. She thanked the monitors and substitutes who gather the data. On the back nine of the golf course, 15 bluebirds have fledged this year and 5 eggs are now in nests. There has been a lot of disruption near the boxes, pruning and such. The box infested with termites could not be rescued and a replacement was built and provided by Woodchuck member and honorary Bluebird Recovery member Gary Forsberg. Thanks very much, Gary! It was observed by some that the bluebirds were slow to move into the new house. Patti Rice mentioned that the presence of several owls nearby could be making the bluebirds skittish about using it. On the front nine 5 bluebirds have fledged.
Carolyn told of strange black objects found in one of the boxes. She personally investigated and determined that they were seeds, probably gathered by the birds for food. It is still a mystery form what plant they are. She also addressed the situation of individuals who have bluebird boxes in their yards, separate from the OHCC Blue Bird recovery program. The results from those boxes should be included in the statistics reported to the overall Blue Bird program. So she asked any who know of people with non-club boxes to urge them to provide her with their results so the data can be more inclusive and accurate.
The floor was then turned over to Joan Comito, dedicated birder and former biology teacher, who presented a dazzling show of photos from her trip to Glacier National Park in 2017. Marvelous, Joan! Then it was mentioned that there have been five signups for the Julian trip in September.
Bill then reminded all of the next meeting, on the schedule for August 22. After a raffle for three nice prizes the meeting adjourned at 2:00 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary, Historian