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The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M by club Vice President Skip Harvey who told the assemblage that President Bill Saltzman and Martha were in Wyoming to experience the solar eclipse and would be posting photos on Facebook. He also reminded all to fill out and submit their raffle tickets up front for their preferred prize. Today we will be viewing a video “The Nest” after finishing the business meeting.


First order of business was approval of the minutes of the May 23, 2017 meeting, copies of which were provided for members’ review. On a motion by Tim Pentel, seconded by Ann Mulvey, the minutes were approved unanimously by voice vote. Ann Baldwin will add these on the club’s website.


Next, Silvia Carson provided the treasurer’s report, current bank balance being $818.99.


The bluebird report was tabled as program managers Jerry and Carolyn Hollander were not in attendance.


Members were reminded that the next club meeting would be October 24 as part of the Halloween party and will include election of officers for 2018. The Treasurer position is open as Silvia Carson has decided to step down and one member has expressed interest in serving. President Bill Saltzman, Vice President Skip Harvey, and Secretary Tim Pentel have all agreed to run again. Anyone is welcome to throw a hat in the electoral ring for any position, but even if members choose not to run for office there are many other opportunities to help, with Joan Comito on the bird walks, Russ Butcher who keeps tally on the walks, Dick Cook who works with members’ photos, Ann and Mike Baldwin who work on the website, Patti Rice with the refreshments.


The next scheduled bird walk is Thursday September 14 to Kit Carson Park in Escondido, an easy flat path.


Skip circulated a form Joan created asking members to list their preferred days of the week for scheduled and impromptu bird walks and the maximum distance they care to travel for side trips/overnighters.


Sandy Harvey encouraged all to attend the Halloween party and come in costume. The menu for the event is still pending but Sandy assured that it would be a fun filled gala.


Skip then thanked Ann Mulvey, Ann Nussbaum, and Tim Pentel for today’s snacks and refreshments. He showed the group the cover of the August issue of OHCC Living with a beautiful photo, taken in OHCC by Bill Saltzman, of a juvenile bluebird. Skip had a hand in the selection of this photo for the cover. He also pointed out that club member and author/naturalist Russ Butcher often has multiple articles in the monthly OHCC Village Voice, usually one about a particular bird and another about an animal. They are always entertaining and informative.


Skip wants to see any good photos from members. He selects a photo to accompany the club’s update in OHCC Living and he would like to expand the photo selection pool.


Sandy pointed out a signup sheet for those willing to help Patti Rice with the Halloween party.


There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 1:15 P.M., followed by a video “The Nest” and a raffle.


Tim Pentel, Secretary, Historian

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