Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 1:05 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He inquired if anyone present had a birthday in March or April, whereupon the assemblage sang “Happy Birthday” to those who raised hands. Bill thanked Patti Rice for the refreshments for today then reminded all to sign up for today’s raffle. He mentioned that we still need a volunteer to organize the October 23 holiday luncheon/meeting. There is a little more money available for it this year and everyone enjoys it, but some “party animal” is needed to step up and plan it.
Bill then showed the group the Kowa spotting scope which OHCC purchased for residents’ use. We now bring it on our bird walks and it gives us birders a much closer and clearer view of the birds. The scope is rated best on the market for this purpose. Bill extended thanks to the Community Services Committee and the OHCC Master Board for providing this marvelous tool for us who live in OHCC.
Joan Comito announced a meeting to follow this meeting for all those going on the Idyllwild birding excursion in June to distribute information packets to them. Our thanks to Joan for organizing this junket, as well as another planned for October to Julian. Martha Saltzman passed around a signup sheet for the Julian trip. Joan announced that there were 18 signed up for Idyllwild.
Bill reminded us of the next bird walk to Green Oaks Ranch on Thursday April 5. He emphasized that the walk was Thursday, a departure from the past when most walks were on Tuesday. The Board wanted to vary the days for the walks, and not have all on the same day of the week. And he told that at our next meeting May 22 we will enjoy a presentation by Joan Comito about the birds of Glacier National Park including photos she took there earlier this year.
VP Skip Harvey, subbing for treasurer Callie Dean, who needed to attend a much-desired lemur class at the Wild Animal Park, delivered the treasurer’s report. We had about $1,400 at the end of February and now have $1,357. So the treasury is sufficient, for paying docents, speakers, meeting refreshments, occasional snacks on bird walks.
Skip mentioned that the trees around the Jolly Roger restaurant at the Oceanside Harbor now have a large number of black crowned night herons in them. These trees are bird magnets. Egrets, herons and cormorants can frequently be found in them, sometimes all at the same time. Park in the Jolly Roger parking lot. Observe which parts of the parking lot are covered with droppings and park accordingly.
Skip made a plea for members to volunteer to serve on the Board. President and Vice President positions will need new people in 2019. It’s an all-volunteer club, which works best if everyone volunteers in turn rather than depending on the same individuals to do so year after year. The positions are not just titles; there is stuff to do. But there is always ample assistance from others, frequently from those who served previously. So step up! Run for President! Keep the Birdwatchers Club Great Forever!
Bill then called on Carolyn Hollander for a Blue Bird Program update. Carolyn introduced co-coordinator and husband Jerry Hollander to the assemblage. She thanked her team of monitors; Judy Ware and Jane Shriver for the front 9, Sandy Harvey and Jane Johnson for the back 9, with Callie Dean filling in on each team as needed. Carolyn reported that nesting started early this year, March 14. Half of the nests are already formed. As of 2 days ago there were 2 completed nests but no eggs yet. Someone had reported suspected signs of termites in one box. Exterminators investigating found spiders and little brown specks, suspected termite droppings. They advised the box be cleaned out thoroughly and sprayed with disinfectant. The team did this and put the box back. Exterminators advised that if reinfestation occurs the box should be discarded and replaced with a new one. Finally, both she and Bill reminded everyone to keep the golf course free of discarded plastic and paper as bird parents can use such materials in nest building and they often create dangerous entrapments for the nestlings.
Bill then played a fascinating video about monarch butterflies. Afterwards Al Haruff spoke to the meeting about his efforts to have OHCC purchase two portable Automated External Defibrillators (AED) for residents to take afield for reviving victims of sudden cardiac arrest. He mentioned his effort would be bolstered by having as many persons as possible volunteer to be trained in the use of the AED. When polled, about a dozen members volunteered and Al said that he would notify the club of the time and date of such training sessions and he thanked everybody.
A drawing was then held for several donated door prizes and the meeting adjourned at 2:11 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary, Historian