Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 1:02 P.M by club President Bill Saltzman. He welcomed any new members and three introduced themselves, Jackie, Kim and Jennifer. Bill thanked Patti Rice for today’s refreshments and Patti then extended thanks to her helpers. Bill introduced club founder and long-time president Andy Truban who was greeted with warm applause.
Vice President Skip Harvey spoke about the over-nighter to Big Morongo and White Water next week, but only after the attendees joined in a hearty rendition of “Happy Birthday” for Sandy Harvey. Skip said there are 16 people going. We will arrive at the Palm Springs lodging Monday by 4:00 P.M. check-in and gather at 5:00 to coordinate transportation to dinner. Tuesday will be a full day of birding at Big Morongo and then we will bird White Water on Wednesday after checking out of the hotel.
Sylvia Carson presented her treasurer’s report, with a cash balance as of meeting day of $1,373.11. NOTE: Sylvia has presented the FY 2017 budget and the board has approved it by email voting.
Carolyn Hollander presented a Bluebird Program update. There is a complete new nest on the front nine of the golf course and the back nine has one complete nest and two in progress. She reminded the golfers to pick up and properly dispose of any plastic or paper items on the golf course as such items may end up as part of a nest which is not good.
There being no further club business, the meeting adjourned at 1:15 P.M. and the floor was turned over to Monique F. Rea of hummingbirdsrescue.org. She dazzled the assemblage with a myriad of facts about hummingbirds gathered in her 23 years of working with them and rescuing and rehabilitating injured or orphaned birds.
After the presentation there was a drawing for several books donated by members.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian