Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The general meeting in the Ladies’ Club Room was called to order at 12:58 P.M by club President William Saltzman. Bill announced that there would be a short meeting of Big Morongo overnight participants after the general meeting. He reminded attendees to get their raffle tickets for a beautiful book of photos by Ernie Cowan, capturing a wide range of flora, fauna and wilderness from our nearby coasts, forests and deserts. He announced the membership had risen to 72. He cited two local Audubon Societies as good resources for information about birds, Buena Vista in Oceanside and Palomar Audubon in Rancho Bernardo, the latter where he had first heard Ernie Cowan speak. He announced an addition to the scheduled meeting on 8/27, an intriguing program described below.
“Birding 102
Locating and identifying a bird is one part of bird watching. Going beyond that may reveal some surprising and interesting things that can be seen by spending more time watching birds during a walk, sitting in a park, or visiting a pond. With more observation you may discover why that bird was dancing, if the prey got away, or find out what just flew by. Join, two of our Club members, Joan Comito and Ann Baldwin at the next Bird Club meeting illustrating their experiences in Birding 102.”
He introduced the Board members and thanked them for their service: Jane Johnson and Ann Mulvey, CO-VP’s, Callie Dean, Treasurer, and Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian, whom he also thanked for updating the club website.
Callie Dean gave the treasurer’s report, covering the first two months of 2019. We began the year with $644.77 in the bank and with 2019 signups and expenses paid so far it stood at $1,316.72 as of 2/28/19.
Carolyn Hollander then gave the Bluebird Report. The first training session took place at the Hollander residence on February 23. Carolyn mentioned new monitors this year, Mike Michealson, and Mary and Barry Key, and continuing monitors Jane Johnson, Jane Shriver, Sandy Harvey, Carolyn and Jerry Hollander, Bill Saltzman, and Callie Dean. Monitoring is twice a week now, early in the season. There are 14 boxes on the golf course, 7 on the front nine and 7 on the back. Boxes #2 on the back nine and #5 on the front have been the most reliable and both have nests well underway now. Some thought recent wet weather would attract a lot of bluebirds, but it may not. Their numbers seem down this year. Carolyn also noted that the wet weather caused several weeks’ delay in needed box cleaning, “freshening” (she used a screwdriver as a scraper) and maintenance. 3 boxes needed major rehab or replacement, including one which had been slimed with pine sap after tree trimmers placed the box right next to fresh cut in the tree limb. She thanked Dick Cook for his work in repairing boxes and redesigning the wire hanger/harness to make it more functional.
Carolyn extended a warm welcome to anyone wishing to be monitors. She and Bill both extolled monitoring as an uplifting experience, observing the life cycle of these birds, observing near magical things, eggs laid over a span of time all hatching together, etc.
Next, Ann Mulvey spoke about the scheduled appearance of noted writer and outdoor enthusiast Ernie Cowan at our next meeting May 28. The meeting is moved to the Mykonos room as a large crowd is expected. Ernie combines a vast knowledge with a ready wit and is a widely popular speaker. He installed a camera inside a wren box in his back yard to record the formation of a new wren family. He and his wife Katie spent last spring break chasing the Aurora Borealis. We hope to become imbued with his joie de vivre as well as entertained and illuminated. Plus, he is a contemporary of ours, an example, an encouragement.
Then we watched the first of three parts of a National Geographic special about the wonder of animals in flight, birds, insects, bats, etc. Afterward, the handsome photo book of Ernie Cowan was won by Sylvia Ellmore.
The meeting adjourned at 1:55 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian