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Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Discovery Lake, San Marcos (Not to be confused with Lake San Marcos).
Meet 2:30 pm at the lake.
The lighting at this time will allow us to see the details and colors on the water fowl. We will then walk less than a mile around the lake on a flat, paved surface looking for several land birds.
There are several ways to find the lake so it is advisable to check its location via the internet.
Construction has Bent Ave. closed. Other roads are passable but under construction. Via Vera Cruz and Discovery St. are the only options to get to Craven Rd. From Craven Rd. turn right at the light onto Foxhall Rd. There is a large parking lot just up Foxhall Rd.

Bird List
California towhee
Spotted towhee
Ruby- crowned kinglet White-crowned sparrow Song sparrow
Anna’s hummingbird
Scrub jay
Red-winged blackbird
House finch
Yellow-rumped warbler Scaly breasted munia
Red-tailed hawk
Common gallinule
American coot
Ring-necked duck Bufflehead
Northern pintail
American wigeon
Northern shoveler
Ruddy duck
Swallow, sp.

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