Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Write up by Russ Butcher
Dos Picos County Park & Ramona Grasslands Preserve
January 20, 2019 – 38 species
After five days of precipitation, our Birdwatchers group felt especially fortunate to have favorable weather for this birding excursion: mostly sunny with scattered high thin clouds, a very light westerly breeze and temperatures rising from the mid-50s to around 70 degrees.
Highlights of our Dos Picos County Park walk through a grove of live oaks and around the shore of the park’s pond included a Hermit Thrush, Acorn and Nuttall’s Woodpeckers, White-breasted Nuthatches, Dark-eyed Juncos, a few Ring-necked Ducks, American Wigeons,
Northern Shovelers, and a single Osprey that repeatedly flew back and forth above the pond.
The highlights of birding at and near the Ramona Grasslands Preserve included watching a flock of Mountain Bluebirds – the males dazzling in their sky-blue plumage, a first-year juvenile Ferruginous Hawk, two Peregrine Falcons, Western Meadowlarks singing their musical songs, and close-up views of a couple of Savannah Sparrows and Say’s Phoebes.
Before heading home, our group enjoyed lunch at the Boll Weevil restaurant in Ramona.
Canada Goose – San Pasqual Valley
Mallard – Dos Picos
American Wigeon – DP
Northern Shoveler – DP
Ring-necked Duck – DP
American Coot – DP
Red-tailed Hawk – Ramona Grasslands
Ferruginous Hawk - RG
Red-shouldered Hawk – DP
Osprey – DP
Turkey Vulture – SPV
American Kestrel – RG
Peregrine Falcon – RG
Mourning Dove – RG
Anna’s Hummingbird – DP
Acorn Woodpecker – DP
Nuttall’s Woodpecker – DP
Say’s Phoebe – RG
Crow – DP
Raven – RG
California Scrub-Jay – DP
White-breasted Nuthatch – DP
Oak Titmouse – DP
Wrentit – DP
California Thrasher – DP
Hermit Thrush - DP
Western Bluebird – RG
Mountain Bluebird – RG
Yellow-rumped Warbler – RG
Tri-colored Blackbird – RG
Great-tailed Grackle – DP
Starling – RG
Western Meadowlark – RG
White-crowned Sparrow – RG
Song Sparrow – DP
Savannah Sparrow – RG
Dark-eyed Junco – DP
House Finch – RG
It was a fine day of Birding.