Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Bernardo Bay side of Lake Hodges
March 3, 2017

The impromptu bird walk to Oak Hills on Friday March 3rd was changed at the parking lot to go to the Bernardo Bay area of Lake Hodges to see Grebes nests with eggs that had been reported by other birdwatching groups.
The hills and shoreline around Lake Hodges were filled with greenery low shrubs and Flowers. The water level at the Lake due to recent rains is the highest in many years.
Although most of the Grebes nests with eggs had sadly washed away in the last rains, we met a young group of birders along the trail who mentioned they had just seen a female Clark’s Grebe with two hatchlings on her back.
Moving down the trail we were able to spot the female with her mate. The mate was feeding the female while one of the hatchlings tried to take the food.
We also saw Western, Pied-billed and Eared Grebes, a Rock Wren and Bushtit’s building a nest. (A total of 25 species).
This was an exceptionally beautiful day for a walk.
For those who missed this, the next scheduled walk is at Lake Hodges with Docent Jack Friery in attendance. When: Wednesday, March 15th
Swallow sp.
House finch
*Rock wren
Crow Raven
Red shouldered hawk
Red-tailed hawk
Song sparrow
Western grebe
°Clark’s grebe with two babies riding on her back
Earned grebe
Pied-billed grebe
American wigeon
American coot
Red-winged blackbird
California gnatcatcher
Ruddy duck
Bushtits making nest
Great egret
Yellow rumped warbler
Turkey vulture
California towhee
White-crowned sparrow
Anna’s hummingbird