Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 12:08 P.M by club President William Saltzman. He thanked all in attendance, many in Halloween costumes, and praised the club, saying he and his wife were not birders before joining but are now thanks to the club.
Bill then praised Carolyn and Jerry Hollander for managing the Bluebird Program and invited Carolyn to present an update. She encouraged all to read the article on the program in the September 2017 of the OHCC Village Voice. She reports that this year’s results from the 13 boxes, for the second straight year, set a record, 69 juveniles fledging. Carolyn credited the rainy year we had for the increase in birds, more plants attracting more insects and worms, the bluebird’s favorite foods. The OHCC program has now yielded 324 new birds since its inception in 2009. This total gets combined with the rest of the California programs, and statewide, since inception, there have been 6,887 new birds as a result. Carolyn thanked all the monitors and presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Callie Dean and to Jane Shriver. Bill thanked the Hollanders and the attendees applauded their agreement.
The purpose of this meeting being to elect the Board of Directors for 2018, Bill first thanked the 2017 Board for their service. A special appreciation was extended to Treasurer Sylvia Carson who is retiring that post after being the club’s treasurer since it began. She was presented with a thank-you card from the members, a Certificate of Appreciation, and a specially designed assortment of greeting cards featuring photographs taken by members. Sylvia will be compiling a treasurer’s report to include income and expenses for this party, the report to be added as an addendum to these minutes and the party budget to be approved by the Board. Bill thanked Skip Harvey for chairing the previous meeting, Joan Comito for her invaluable help, and Skip and Sandy Harvey for organizing the Big Morongo trip. He thanked Ann and Mike Baldwin for managing the website and informed that they would be stepping aside from that and we will need someone to take that over.
Bill requested, and Elaine Kowalik presented a motion to approve the club’s donating $100 to the OHCC staff gift fund, motion seconded by Tim Pentel, and approved unanimously by show-of-hands. The club does this every year.
For 2018, Callie Dean has agreed to run for the treasurer position. The other Board members, President William Saltzman, Vice-President Skip Harvey, and Secretary/Treasurer Tim Pentel, have agreed to run for their same positions. Skip conducted the election and invited any others who wished to run to come forward and there were none. Then, by unanimous show-of-hands voting, each candidate was approved by the members.
Bill thanked Patti Rice for the table decorations, and Patti and all her crew who prepared and served the meal for today’s gathering. He then encouraged everyone to purchase raffle tickets, proceeds to be used to buy a spotting scope. There being no further business the meeting was adjourned at 12:25 P.M., followed by the meal of chili, salad and sandwiches, with donuts for dessert.
Tim Pentel
Secretary, Historian