Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

The meeting was called to order at 1:00 P.M by club President Bill Saltzman. Bill thanked the members for electing him even though he has but one year of birding experience. You could never tell from his fabulous photography. Bill introduced his wife Martha and his sister Barb who was visiting. Bill then led the assemblage in singing “Happy Birthday” to Elaine Kowalik who also provided several tasty treats for the meeting. Bill told how he and Martha started their birding in OHCC as monitors for the Blue Bird Program and said it was great fun and a wonderful way to start birding. The Board of Directors was introduced, Vice-President Skip Harvey, Treasurer Sylvia Carson, and Secretary/Historian Tim Pentel.
New members were invited to introduce themselves. Three did so, Peggy, Annette White, and Hal Sharp who birded 60 years ago in Philadelphia. Welcome to you all.
Sylvia Carson next presented her treasurer’s report. The club is in strong financial position with $1,295.45 cash in bank at the end of FY ’16.
Bill again thanked Joan Comito for her two years as president and for making the transition smooth. Next up for thanks were Patti and Robert Rice and Elaine Kowalik for providing today’s refreshments. It’s a big job.
Members who cannot go on the scheduled birdwalks can enjoy backyard birding right here in the community. A section titled Backyard Birds is new on the website and will be explained by Mike and Ann Baldwin who put much of it together.
Bill then pointed out a handsome framed picture of a kestrel that Patti Rice had donated and which would be awarded via a silent auction at the next meeting. He announced a two-day trip to Salton Sea planned for January 2018 and asked for a show of hands who would be interested and there were about a dozen. Participants will share in paying a docent $250 for local expertise.
Carolyn Hollander then spoke of the OHCC Blue Bird Recovery Program launched by Dora and Andy Truban in May 2009 and now coordinated by Carolyn and hubby Jerry. There are now 11 boxes on the golf course and 62 birds have fledged. Participation is very rewarding from all accounts and more volunteer monitors are always welcome. Training is provided and the only must is to be available between March and August. As always, Carolyn presented a wealth of information about our blue bird friends and the program. Peaceful coexistence with golfers requires the birders to adhere to the golf course rules and minimize intrusions into the links activity. Mid-afternoon seems a good time for monitoring but not on a windy day when cold air can shock the eggs. The mother birds like to lay early in the morning and sometimes lay one egg each day for several days running. Monitors generally check boxes once a week until there’s an egg and then at least twice a week to chronicle the breeding activity which gets combined with data from programs all over to track how well we humans are helping the birds cope with our activities. Thanks Carolyn and Jerry and all the monitors.
Bill pointed out the 2017 schedule on the table for new members who don’t have one. Patti Rice presented a sign-up sheet for volunteers to help with refreshments at future meetings.
Mike and Ann Baldwin then demonstrated the new “Backyard Birds” section on the club’s website. It is an especially valuable tool for those unable to make the bird walks but who can still enjoy birding right in our community and right in their own back yards. It includes information on identification, habitats, times of year when specific birds might visit OHCC, etc. Kudos to Mike and Ann and webmaster Dick Travis for this nifty new feature.
Further plaudits to Mike and Ann for Ann’s multi-media show “Birds of Ocean Hills” which we watched with Ann narrating and Mike operating the controls. Stunning work!
The gathering then watched “Water Birds,” the middle section of a Nature DVD “Bring on the Birds.” The third section will be for a later meeting. Bill urged as many as possible to attend the bird walks so they can enjoy the knowledge and expertise of birding stalwarts Joan Comito, Patti and Robert Rice, Russ Butcher and others.
After a drawing for several prize items donated by members, the meeting was adjourned at 2:23 P.M.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian