Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Skip Harvey and the Bird Game!!
The meeting was called to order at 12:55 P.M by club President Joan Comito. Joan welcomed all to the last meeting of 2016 and reminded members of two remaining bird walks for the year, November at Safari Park and December at Santee Lakes. Joan thanked Ann Mulvey for providing today’s lunch from North Park Produce. Ann then thanked hubby Jim and the rest of the crew that was assisting; the Saltzmans, Pentels, Goldsteins, Harveys, Dudkowskis, Rices, Ann Nussbaum, Anita Nestor, and any number of others who helped in some way.
Joan thanked Dick Travis for creating the club’s website. It has appealing visuals, including members’ photos from bird walks, bird lists from walks, and minutes of meetings. She welcomed Dick and wife Elizabeth who were in attendance. Members seconded the welcome with hearty applause.
Joan thanked:
Russ Butcher for being the go-to guy for compiling bird lists on the walks; Sylvia Carson, the Treasurer, who has held the post for all of the club’s 16 years; Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian; Richard Cook, Membership Chairperson, who selects and distributes photos to the members; Carolyn and Jerry Hollander for managing the Blue Bird program; Andy Truban, for founding the club in 2000, leading it as president for 15 years, and along the way establishing the Blue Bird program in 2009; Karen Carrothers, retired (15 years served) Refreshments Chairperson, and Patti Rice, the new chairperson.
Patti pointed out a signup sheet for those wishing to assist with refreshments for the January 2017 meeting and reminded all that, upon request, the club will reimburse assistants for food or beverage expense.
Joan then thanked Vice President Skip Harvey for writing the newsletter, putting on today’s “Name That Bird” entertainment, and chairing the nominating committee. She turned the floor over to him to present the committee’s results.
Skip first reminded members of the plethora of birds right outside the door around the clubhouse area, including chickadees, kingbirds and yellow-rumped warblers among others. The nominating committee consisting of Skip, Ann Mulvey and Sylvia Carson has put together a slate of candidates for the Board of Directors for 2017. It includes incumbents Vice President Skip Harvey, Treasurer Sylvia Carson, and Secretary/Historian Tim Pentel. Bill Saltzman has graciously thrown his hat into the ring for the post of President, rounding out the slate. Members thanked Bill with a round of applause. The slate was accepted by acclimation.
Skip presented Joan with a thank you card signed by all present in recognition of her two years as president. Thanks again, Joan. The next bird walk is November 8 to Safari Park.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:05 P.M. The assemblage then enjoyed a tasty lunch, “Name That Bird” game during lunch, and a drawing for a number of attractive and useful prizes.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian