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Dixon Lake Recreation Area

September 23, 2016



A beautiful sunny day, enhanced by a light breeze and temperatures from the 60s to upper 70s, was perfect for our Birdwatchers impromptu excursion to the City of Escondido’s Dixon Lake Recreation Area.  The lake (a reservoir) is surrounded by the reserve’s 527 acres of scenically attractive landscapes in the northern Escondido hills.  The first of three stops was at an area of pines, pepper trees, live oaks, eucalyptus and other beautiful trees, where we saw and heard such birds as Western Scrub-Jays, California Towhees, California Thrashers, Black Phoebes and the ever-gregarious Acorn Woodpeckers.  The second stop was at a scenic overlook above the lake.  And the third brought us to the lakeshore, where a trail led us along part of the lakeshore.  We saw Gadwalls, Ruddy Ducks, Mallards, Coots, Pied-billed Grebes, Great Blue Herons, and a close-up view of a Common Yellowthroat (warbler) at the edge of lake-bordering cattails.  We briefly heard the rattling call of a Belted Kingfisher, and our walk climaxed with the sudden appearance of an Osprey flying near us.  We stopped for lunch at J&M’s Family Restaurant in Escondido before heading home.







Pied-billed Grebe

Double-crested Cormorant – 1


Gadwall – a pair

Ruddy Duck

American Coot

Great Blue Heron

Turkey Vulture


Red-shouldered Hawk (heard only)

Mourning Dove (heard only)

Anna’s Hummingbird

Belted Kingfisher (heard only)

Acorn Woodpecker

Nuttall’s Woodpecker (heard only)

Northern Flicker (heard only)

Black Phoebe

Western Scrub-Jay



House Wren (heard only)

California Thrasher

Yellow Warbler – 1

Common Yellowthroat – 1

California Towhee

Spotted Towhee (heard only)

Red-winged Blackbird – 1

Brewer’s Blackbird

Great-tailed Grackle

House Finch

Lesser Goldfinch


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