Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Ramona Grasslands
Take 78 east through Escondido, past Safari Park and into the mountains on a very curvy HWY 78 into Ramona.
At the signal, turn right onto HWY 67 (Main Street).
Follow 67 to Highland Valley Rd.
At the signal turn right. Follow Highland Valley Rd. until Rangeland Rd., turn onto it.
There is no one spot to designate for meeting on Rangeland Rd.
Look for cars and people along the roadside.
We will drive along the road stopping at different spots
There are no restrooms facilities after you leave town, but there are
several fast food eateries that you can use.
Check your bird guides ahead of time for meadowlark, mountain bluebird,
Ferruginous hawk, Bald eagle, burrowing owl, tricolor blackbird so you can
Start birding on your own (It may be difficult for all of us to be at the same spot at the same time).
After Rangeland Rd., backtrack to HWY 67, Main Street, drive up a little further,
veer off left onto Mussey Grade Rd. Follow signs to Dos Picos Park.
Have your senior parking pass or pay $3.
We will meet here again and bird the pond and use restrooms.