Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

This meeting was called to order at 1:05 by President Joan Comito. Joan thanked Ann Nussbaum for the delicious apple pecan cake and Elaine Kowalik who worked with her on the refreshments for the meeting. Joan requested someone to succeed long-time refreshments chairperson Karen Carrothers. Ann Nussbaum, Anita Nestor and Patti Rice volunteered. Newcomers to the group were invited to introduce themselves and several did. Joan then gave the floor to Carolyn Hollander for an update on the bluebird program.
Carolyn reported that 2016 was the most successful in the 7 year history of the OHCC bluebird program with 62 bluebirds fledged. Diligent management had prevented any Bewick’s wrens from occupying the bluebird boxes as they had done in past years. Carolyn thanked monitors Betty Klaas, Jim and Ann Mulvey, Skip and Sandy Harvey, Bill and Martha Saltzman, and Patti and Robert Rice. Carolyn presented diplomas to the monitors for their dedication.
There was much interest and inquiry about bluebird monitoring. Carolyn described the bluebird monitoring process, in which monitors document all phases of bluebirds’ nesting in minute detail: nest building, egg laying, incubation, hatching, caring for the hatchlings, and finally fledging. Monitors find the work very rewarding and develop attachments to their subjects. Carolyn encouraged anyone who might be interested in monitoring to give it a go. Ultimately, the data collected from all programs are funneled to Cornell University for analysis to determine if the efforts are helping curb the dwindling of bluebird populations caused by habitat loss to human development.
Ann Mulvey then addressed the group about the meeting/party, telling all to save the date of October 25. A flyer will be circulated shortly. The cost is $12 each and earliest possible signups are appreciated. Ann promised great food and fun games. She circulated a signup sheet for volunteer helpers.
Joan spoke about the November 8 bird walk at Safari Park. She pointed out the signup sheet on the table for those interested in this walk to indicate if they needed a guest pass or were able to provide any passes. Without a pass, admission is $50 for nonmembers.
Joan reminded members that the club needs a new president for 2017 as she is stepping down. Skip Harvey is chairing the Nominating Committee to find the new president. Joan requested others join this committee. Ann Mulvey and Sylvia Carson volunteered. As encouragement, Joan said that much of the president’s work for 2017 has been done already.
Skip Harvey spoke about the April 3-5 trip to Palm Springs and Big Morongo. He had emailed flyers about the lodging and two dinner events he planned for the group. He requested that those planning on this trip give the club deposits for the two dinner events and book their lodging ASAP, following the instructions on the flyers he distributed. Thanks, Skip, for organizing this.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:35 P.M. Following the business meeting the members watched a wonderful video from the Nature Series, “Location, Location, Location.”
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian OHCC Birdwatchers