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     Santee Lakes

December 13, 2016


            The weather could not have been more perfect to explore the 5 lakes.  Ring-necked ducks swam right up to us allowing viewing of the faint reddish ring around their necks for which they are named although they sport a noticeable white ring around the bill.  A few beautiful wood duck pairs sat quietly at various locations.  Several White Pelicans glided effortlessly in the sky. 


Lark sparrows were spotted in the trees, a very pretty sparrow that we don’t get to see very often.  Seemingly hundreds of Double-crested cormorants were grouped together, many holding their wings out to dry. 


The exploration ended as we sat lakeside at the patio eating the lunches we brought while being entertained by several species of ducks waiting for a hand -out.



Birds Identified--41 Species


Cinnamon teal

American coot

Northern shoveler

Ring-neck duck

American wigeon


Great-tailed grackle

Belted kingfisher

American white pelican

Snowy egret

Great egret

Ruddy duck

Double-crested cormorant

Great blue heron

Anna’s hummingbird

Pied-billed grebe

White domestic ducks

Nuttall’s woodpecker

Acorn woodpecker

Black phoebe

Say’s phoebe

European starling

Wood duck


Yellow-rumped warbler

Ring-billed gull

Western Gull

Black-crowned night heron

*Lark sparrow

Mourning dove



Orange-crowned warbler

Ruby-crowned kinglet

Western bluebird


Red-tailed hawk

Cooper’s hawk



House finch

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