Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Safari Park--Escondido
November 8, 2016

Members enjoyed a visit to Safari Park in Escondido. Our first stop was Wings of the World where several very vocal birds, White-crested laughing thrush, greeted us with their “laughing” as we entered the aviary. Leaving there, on the way to the bird show, we stopped to watch the younger gorillas chase one another and learned about the different gorillas from the volunteer guide.
We continued walking down to the Frequent Flyers bird show where Macaws, Harris’s hawks, Scarlet ibis, and the Eagle owl, largest owl in the world, flew over our heads almost knocking off some hats. Two of our members participated in letting one of their birds walk across their arms.
After walking out of the show, a Plush- crested jay would fly out to grab dollar bills that were held up and then fly back and drop them into a donation box. Various other aviaries were visited to enjoy the amazing variety of color, sound, and activity of non-native birds. The temperature increased quite bit after lunch, but several hearty members walked out to the African Outpost lagoons then took the Africa tram ride on the walk back. Ice cream cooled us off and home we went after a fun day.

Jerry Hollander
DaVinci's Vituvian Man!!