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Whelan Lake Bird Sanctuary

October 11, 2016


            When we arrived at Whelan Lake Bird Sanctuary, near the southern boundary of Camp Pendleton, low coastal overcast initially kept the temperature in the mid- to upper 60s.  But the sun soon broke through to a beautiful, mostly sunny morning with scattered small clouds.  The temperature rose into the low 70s with a refreshing ocean breeze – ideal for birding.  Under the leadership of docent John Haddock of the Buena Vista Audubon Society, we devoted quite a while watching an abundance of birds from a viewpoint overlooking the lake and among trees around the sanctuary’s office.  Waterbirds included a few Eared Grebes, Mallards, Ruddy Ducks, Northern Shovelers and several Wood Ducks.  There were lots of Cassin’s Kingbirds, Say’s Phoebes, Yellow-rumped Warblers and several kinds of swallows.  Snowy and Great Egrets flew gracefully back and forth above the lake.


       John brought to our attention a Green Heron, on the opposite lakeshore; and a Greater Roadrunner on a fence beyond the lake – both birds visible with the aid of his scope.  (Regarding the Green Heron, we are grateful to Skip Harvey for his excellent photos that enabled us to be certain this was a heron rather than a bittern.) And then there were the raptors:  Red-tailed and Red-shouldered Hawks, a Cooper’s Hawk, American Kestrels, and -- most exciting of all – a Ferruginous Hawk viewed beyond the lake with the scope.  At a nearby pond, we spotted a family of Cinnamon Teals and a lone Spotted Sandpiper.  We all agreed this was an exceptionally productive birding excursion!       






Pied-billed Grebe

Eared Grebe


American Wigeon

Wood Duck

Northern Shoveler

Cinnamon Teal

Ring-necked Duck

Ruddy Duck

American Coot

Common Gallinule - 1

Great Egret

Snowy Egret

Great Heron – 1

Sora (Rail) – (heard only)


Spotted Sandpiper – 1

Cooper’s Hawk – 1

Red-tailed Hawk

Red-shouldered Hawk

Ferruginous Hawk – 1

Turkey Vulture

American Kestrel

Belted Kingfisher

Mourning Dove

Greater Roadrunner – 1

Anna’s Hummingbird

Allen’s Hummingbird

Northern Flicker

Nuttall’s Woodpecker – (heard only)

Cassin’s Kingbird

Black Phoebe

Say’s Phoebe

White-throated Swift

Tree Swallow

Northern Rough-winged Swallow

Cliff Swallow

Barn Swallow



Marsh Wren – (heard only)

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Northern Mockingbird

California Thrasher – (heard only)

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Common Yellowthroat (warbler)

Red-winged Blackbird

White-crowned Sparrow

Song Sparrow

House Finch








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