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Discovery Lake in
San Marcos
March 15, 2016












Our Birdwatchers group enjoyed perfect weather of clear skies and temperatures from the low 60s to low 70s for this two-hour impromptu field trip.  As we walked the pathways encircling Discovery Lake in San Marcos, we identified 29 avian species. 


Highlights included a few Ruddy Ducks, several Northern Shovelers and Mallards, and lots of American Coots on the lake.  A Common Gallinule (Moorhen) and numerous Red-winged Blackbirds were among the lake’s bordering reeds and a Red-shouldered Hawk flew overhead, carrying a small animal in its talons.  


We heard the springtime songs and trills of White-crowned and Song Sparrows, Common Yellowthroats, House Finches, Wrentits, Bewicks and House Wrens, California Thrashers, and Spotted Towhees.  And we marveled at the sun-emblazened iridescent rosy-red crown and throat of a male Anna’s Hummingbird and the golden-orange throat of a male Allen’s Hummingbird.  Near the end of our walk, we paused to watch a beautiful yellow-and-black Swallowtail Butterfly opening and closing its wings, as it moved among the purple blossoms of lantana. 


Some of us then enjoyed lunch at the China Wokery at nearby Restaurant Row.  




Double-crested Cormorant – 1


Northern Shoveler

Ruddy Duck

American Coot

Common Gallinule (Moorhen) – 1

Red-shouldered Hawk – 1

Mourning Dove

Anna’s Hummingbird

Allen’s Hummingbird

Nuttall’s Woodpecker


Raven - 1

Western Scrub-Jay


House Wren (heard only)

Bewick’s Wren – 1


Ruby-crowned Kinglet

California Thrasher

Hermit Thrush - 1

Common Yellowthroat (Warbler)

Great-tailed Grackle

Red-winged Blackbird

White-crowned Sparrow

Song Sparrow

Spotted Towhee

California Towhee

House Finch

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