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Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

January 26, 2016 Meeting
The meeting was called to order at 1:01P.M by club President Joan Comito. First order of business was a thank you to Karen Carrothers and Joan Comito for today’s refreshments. A sign-up sheet was passed around for those wishing to volunteer to bring refreshments for future meetings. New members were then invited to introduce themselves and several did so.
Joan introduced the board: Vice President Skip Harvey, Treasurer Sylvia Carson (absent), Secretary/Historian Tim Pentel. Joan pointed out that Tim is keeping records of past walks and bird lists in case anyone wishes to see past results. Membership Coordinator Dick Cook asked members to leave their name badges with him so that he could bring them to future activities and nobody’s badge would be left behind. Dick reported that the club had 67 members for 2016, 17 of which are new.
Next Jerry Hollander addressed the members about the Blue Bird Program. This has been a highly successful program here at OHCC, established May 5, 2009 on the golf course and run by Andy and Dora Truban up until this year with over a hundred birds fledged.. Jerry and CarolynHollander have taken over the program. The program is necessary because urban sprawl has destroyed much of the bird’s natural nesting place. The data from the OHCC program is reported to a central database and merged with other programs to give an overall picture of Blue Bird Recovery. Jerry thanked the OHCC Woodchucks for making bird houses for the OHCC program. He solicited volunteers to monitor the boxes, from March to July. Substitutes are needed as well to fill in for vacationing monitors. Joan encouraged the assemblage to volunteer.
Joan previewed the next bird walk, Saturday, Feb 13, a Hawk Watch at Regent Ranch in Ramona to see captive raptors. If time permits we will revisit Rangeland Road to look for Bald Eagles and Tricolored Blackbirds. There will be little walking on this outing. She noted three corrections on the schedule: Tuesday, March 8 (original schedule had wrong March 13 date) Buena Vista Park, Tuesday September 13 to Oceanside Harbor (originally listed as September 12), and Tuesday November 8 (originally listed as November 13.
Joan reminded everyone to visit the club’s “cool” website, designed by Dick Travis. She mentioned that we might have impromptu bird walks, perhaps on a Thursday. A drawing was held to give away a number of field guides to birds. She pointed out on the table a list of birds commonly found in OHCC. Also on the table were a number of magazines free to anyone interested.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 1:18 P.M., followed by an informative multimedia presentation by Ann Baldwin on the birds of England, with husband Mike operating the controls.
Tim Pentel
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