Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

Oak Riparian Park, Oceanside-Carlsbad; and
Lake Calavera Habitat Conservation Area, Carlsbad
July 14, 2015

Today’s two hours of birding were on parklands located near OHCC and accessed from Lake Boulevard. Low coastal overcast quickly burned off to bright sunshine with cool ocean breezes and the temperature rising into the mid-70s. Easy trails led us beneath grand old live oak trees and through riparian (stream-bordering) wetland habitat.
While many birds have stopped their spring singing, we briefly heard songs of a Black-headed Grosbeak and a Common Yellowthroat, a few sharp notes of Hooded Orioles, trills of Wrentits and Spotted Towhees, the rattled trills of Nuttall’s Woodpeckers, and the scratchy calls of Western Scrub-jays.
Our second stop of the morning was walking a short trail down to the bulrushes-bordered shore of Lake Calavera, where we saw a pair of Ruddy Ducks, a couple of Mallards, a Coot, and a Great Blue Heron peeking out from the reeds. Some of our birders said that “the bird of the day” for them was a Say’s Phoebe that sat on a nearby fence post above the lake.
We were all especially impressed with how exceptionally polite and considerate the numerous walkers were who passed us on the trails. Many of them were children or teenagers who cheerfully greeted us with “Good morning” or “Hi.” After our walks, we enjoyed lunch at Teri Café on Plaza Dr., Oceanside.
Mallard – 2 (Lake Calavera)
Ruddy Duck – a pair (LC)
American Coot – 1 (LC)
Great Blue Heron – 1 (LC)
Mourning Dove
Rock Dove
Anna’s Hummingbird
Nuttall’s Woodpecker
Cassin’s Kingbird (heard only)
Say’s Phoebe
Black Phoebe
Northern Rough-winged Swallow
Western scrub-jay
House Wren
Common Yellowthroat
Hooded Oriole
Spotted Towhee
California Towhee
Black-headed Grosbeak (heard only)
House Finch
Lesser Goldfinch
House Sparrow