Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

This meeting was called to order at 1:01 P.M. by Vice President Skip Harvey filling in for president Joan Comito who was to give a presentation after the meeting. Skip thanked Sandy Harvey and Cliftus Forsstrom for providing the day’s refreshments. Skip invited new members to introduce themselves but there were no first-time attendees present.
Treasurer Sylvia Carson next reported that the club’s cash balance is $911.14. Skip reminded the members that there would be no bird walks in June or July and there would be email reminders and articles in the village publications in advance of the next walk, scheduled for August.
Carolyn Hollander spoke about the bluebird program. She thanked the monitors. Martha and Bill Saltzman are new monitors and Bill is an especially good photographer. She also cited Betty Klaas, Ann and Jim Mulvey, and Renee and Wes Kelson. After eggs hatch, monitors provide a dish of meal worms as a treat for the new mother and babies. After the birds fledge, monitors clean out the boxes for the next family to nest, since bluebirds like clean boxes. Carolyn reported that monitors found 44 eggs of which 6 fledged. She asked members to pass the word to golfers and visiting children and everyone not to open the boxes and not to discard candy wrappers or tissue paper nearby, as the birds may use those materials in the nest and that’s not good.
Ann Mulvey then spoke about the October 25 meeting and annual luncheon. She presented three options and asked for a show of hands vote. The options were; 1) Soup & Salad from Frazier Farms, 2) A selection from North Park Produce featuring cuisine from the Middle East, and 3) Pizza off site. The North Park Produce option won by a landslide.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:06 P.M.
There followed Joan Comito’s presentation of photos and accounts from her trip to Costa Rica after which was the usual drawing for fabulous prizes.
Tim Pentel, Secretary/Historian OHCC Birdwatchers