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Oak Hill Memorial Park, Escondido

February 17, 2016











Perfect weather of bright sunshine with the temperature reaching the mid- to upper 70s enhanced this Birdwatchers impromptu field trip to the Oak Hill Memorial Park in Escondido. Our group first checked out a pond near the park’s entrance and found lots of American Wigeons and a few Mallards. A male Belted Kingfisher constantly flew back and forth around the pond, landing in a tree and immediately taking off for a brief touch down in another tree and another and another – all the while sounding off with his loud rattling call. None of us could recall ever seeing such an entertainingly hyperactive kingfisher!


We then walked through the cemetary’s beautiful grounds, landscaped with big live oaks, pines and other trees. Avian highlights included a Great Horned Owl nestled into the foliage of a tall date palm, numerous Lesser and Lawrence’s Goldfinches, Yellow-rumped Warblers, Acorn Woodpeckers, Western Scrub-Jays, and several Asian Collared-Doves cooing , and a Western Meadowlark perched on a fence post – showing off its bright yellow throat.


Some of us then enjoyed lunch at J&M’s Restaurant in Escondido. 



American Wigeon

Turkey Vulture – 1

Great Horned Owl – 1

Belted Kingfisher – 1

Asian Collard-Dove

Acorn Woodpecker

Northern Flicker – 1 (heard only)

Nuttall’s Woodpecker – 1 (heard only)

Cassin’s Kingbird – (heard only)

Black Phoebe

Say’s Phoebe




Western Scrub-Jay

White-breasted Nuthatch

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

Northern Mockingbird – (heard singing only)

Western Bluebird


Yellow-rumped Warbler

Western Meadowlark – 1

Western Tanager – 1

White-crowned Sparrow

House Finch

Lesser Goldfinch

Lawrence’s Goldfinch

Pine Siskin – (heard only)



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