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Whelan Lake  (Oceanside)

October 13, 2015 



Our Birdwatchers Club excursion to Whelan Lake, a 73-acre bird sanctuary located on the northern side of Oceanside, was quite the success. We were guided by Docent John Haddock who provided great expertise and experience as he led us about.


First we enjoyed the activity at the hummingbird feeders at the home of resident-manager Greg Stewart. There were numerous grebes and black-necked stilts at the lake and at two nearby ponds at the Oceanside Public Works Water Reclamation Plant, a short sun-baked walk away. We observed several American Kestrels
patrolling the area, one repeatedly landing at a favorite treetop.


Anxious moments ensued when one seemed to be going after the Western Meadowlarks but we did not see any strikes. The temperature was rising quickly under a cloudless sky, so after our walk we were glad to have the shaded picnic area near the lake to enjoy sack lunches we had brought and treats .


The group chatted with both John and Greg and enjoyed hearing their wide variety of knowledge and experience. We thank them both for putting everything together.                                





Pied-billed Grebe

Eared Grebe



Red-shouldered Hawk

Anna's Hummingbird

Northern Shoveler

White-crowned Sparrow

Yellow-rumped Warbler


Great Egret

Cinnamon Teal

Ruddy Duck

American Coot

Snowy Egret

Black-necked Stilt

Mourning Dove

Black Phoebe

Say's Phoebe

Song Sparrow










House Finch


Ruby-crowned Kinglet

California Towhee

Nuttall's Wookpecker

Allen’s Hummingbird

Common Yellowthroat

Black-chinned Hummingbird

Cooper's Hawk


Western Meadowlark

American Kestrel

Savannah Sparrow

American Wigeon

Cassin's Kingbird

Northern Flicker

Belted Kingfisher

Bewick's Wren

Turkey Vulture

White Release Dove










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