Welcome to the Birdwatchers Club

San Luis Rey River mouth, Oceanside Harbor, and Buena Vista Lagoon & Audubon Nature Center
September 8, 2015

There is no denying that our Birdwatchers Club excursion to the mouth of the San Luis Rey River, Oceanside Harbor, and the Buena Vista Nature Center and Lagoon was quite warm, with the temperature reaching into the low-to-mid-80s. But most of the time, we enjoyed light coolish ocean breezes, especially at the San Luis Rey River.
Our group was entertained by a flock of seven busily feeding, pink-legged Black-necked Stilts and four Brown Pelicans that repeatedly and vigorously flapped their wings into the water, to wash off the ocean’s saltiness from their feathers.
Other noteworthy birds were several pairs of the Common Moorhen and a loudly calling Greater Yellowlegs.
At Oceanside Harbor, we watched a noisy group of 10 sea lions crowded together atop a small floating dock. At the Buena Vista Audubon Nature Center, two volunteer docents gave a short talk, emphasizing their center’s educational programs for school and other youth groups, and led us on a short walk along one of the ecological reserve’s trails.
We then enjoyed lunch at the Beach Break Café in Oceanside.
Pied-billed Grebe (San Luis Rey River)
Eared Grebe (SLRR)
Double-crested cormorant (SLRR)
Mallard (SLRR)
Cinnamon Teal - 3 (SLRR)
Ruddy Duck (SLRR)
American Coot (SLRR)
Common Moorhen (SLRR)
Brown Pelican (SLRR & Oceanside Harbor)
Heermann’s Gull (SLRR & OH)
Western Gull (SLRR)
Herring Gull (SLRR)
Ring-billed Gull (SLRR & OH)
Great Blue Heron - 1 (SLRR)
Snowy Egret – 3 (SLRR)
Black-necked Stilt – 7 (SLRR)
Willet – 1 (SLRR)
Greater Yellowlegs – 1 (SLRR)
Western Sandpiper (SLRR)
Belted Kingfisher – 1 (Buena Vista Lagoon) (heard only)
Mourning Dove (BVL)
Rock Dove (pigeon) (OH)
Black Phoebe (SLRR)
Northern Rough-winged Swallow (SLRR)
Western Scrub-Jay - 1 (BVL)
Great-tailed Grackle (SLRR)
Red-winged Blackbird (SLRR)
Song Sparrow (SLRR & BVL)
House Finch (BVL) (heard only)